Saturday, October 25, 2008

PROJECT 3: Treasuring Time


The time i wanted to treasure was the entirety of someones life in memories. I chose to make an urn as a medium thought which to remember someone who was loved who is now lost.

The main concept of the urn is that it has a funnel type lid which when the ashes are poured through act like an hourglass which the family may sit around and watch and bring back all the memories surrounding the persons life. It can be used as a moment to sit silently and reminisce on the good times.

The urn also incorporates a base for it to sit on while on the mantle piece or shelf which has a light underneath to act as a nightlight and to remind the user that the person lost is still with them.

It is made from frosted glass so that the askes can be seen still through the urn which helps to remind the user that their loved one is still there inside.


Ronald Turinuddin said...

great appearance model and you have also explored the brief for the project about treasuring time.
your product is used to reminisce the time that you have spent with a deceased person.
However you have not clearly explain on the materials, how you got the concept and justification of it.

Somewhatdamaged said...

Appearance wise this is great; however I think the rationale about pouring the ashes into it to watch them filter through could do with some work, as personally I would think that this action may bring back memories of the passing rather than the individuals life.