Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Seymour Powell: Designing Dream Machines

Throughout the design process there are many factors that will influence the outcome of the design, each and every one must be treated equaly and adressed to the best of our ability to produce a quality and sucessful product that not only satisfies the needs of the consumer but also achieves the brief from the client, your main objective.

The video was very interesting as it raised many issues with the design process that all designers must endure for their project to be a sucess in the market place.

It explains about the conceptual stage and how it is that research and a broad spectrum of thinking that allows small ideas to develop into big outcomes. It was interesting looking at how all the steps taken in designing and modeling and marketing all make a huge difference in the end, and that it is attention to detail in the small areas that can have the biggest effect on the final outcome.

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