Thursday, September 4, 2008



For my project, i aimed it at mainly a female market, specifically a housewife, middle aged 27-40 who spends a lot of time in the kitchen preparing and cooking food for the family. Through research i found that there are many knives that claim to be ergonomic in design but seem to just be rounded.

My approach to the design brief was to create a very comfortable, ergonimic, easy to clean and easy to use knife that will provide the user with the confidence in blade shapness and durability.


  • Ergonomic handle - fits palm and expends to give more leverage

  • Sleek woman shape with rounded edges and smooth lines

  • 2 different grips - also left and right handed

  • made from ceramic zirconium oxide - no pores = no bacteria buildup

  • ceramic knives stay sharp longer and are much sharper than stainless steel

  • No joins to breed bacteria in - one piece mould

  • Easy to wash - dishwasher safe

  • Sintered oxide bonds powder particles together by Closing pores, no pores-no bacteria

  • Flex thin ceramic - shock absorb properties

  • Metal insert to make compatible with megnetic rack



  • comfortable

  • shock absorbing

  • easy wash


  • Stylish and round to match modern kitchen

  • bonds with user by fitting hand


  • Safe

  • Hygenic

  • Comforting to use


  • Confidence in quality with ceramic

  • new technologies in ceramic makes user feel superior


Alfred said...

I think the concept of one piece design really eliminates the problems of stuff getting into gaps and making it harder to clean. Ceramic knives aren't too prominent and I think this is a good product to help bring it into the market; although zirconium oxide tends to be relatively brittle and are known to chip. A point that isn't mentioned about ceramic knives is that zirconium is chemically inert so it would be a good choice of knives for people who have allergies.

Toby S said...

This is an excellent product. Creating something for the kitchen is a hard task because of the array of products already available.

You have taken into account the brief and come up with a great solution.

Having done hospitality I know of the problems that come about regarding hygiene and safety. Although the knife is designed for females, you could market it to males as well with a few aesthetic changes.

Ceramic knives are a pleasure to use and as Alfred has said ceramic can tend to chip, but this usually happens when cutting on granite/stone benches and not chopping boards.

I held the knife in class and it was ergonomically sound, fitting different hand sizes and shapes.

Overall an excellent product which would sell very well, in and out of your target market.

Joshua Cope-Summerfield said...

the shape and form of the knife is what stands out first about it. obviously being designed for the particular target market of middle aged woman, the feminine curves and slender look captivate the user in the design. This would draw the target market into using the product, therefore making it a success.

other factors about it like the ceramic blade, easy to clean, and overall comfort (especially this one, since it is the principle design issue covered) create a product that fits in very well with the target market, and its literal surroundings, the kitchen.

The white colour could be seen as bland to some, so colour versions would help create a more aesthetically pleasing product.

But overall, a well thought out and executed design

Saba Zare said...

I think that this design is a good one. because it "looks good and works well" which in the context of the kitchen is what you need. the market is not looking for a sculpture but they are looking for a "tool" that is easy and comfortable to use as well as good looking. My only concern is that finger hole may be a bit difficult to clean besides that i believe you could take this to the market-place.

Chris Bull said...

This just looks really comfortable.
The from of the knife is really pleasing and knowing that its ceramic adds a certain charm also.
Working in a kitchen, I can say this knife would suit any public cooking area due to its ambiguous handle configuration. However due to its material being ceramic ,is the blade able to flex at all? This may limit some of the knifes daily uses?
Overall I would definitely buy one or let someone buy one for me.